Personal Chef Byron Bay - Sunshine Coast | Dinner Parties.
Personal Chef Byron Bay & Gold Coast is a service that will provide people with a healthy, easy, weekly menu. Personal Chef Byron Bay & Gold Coast will do the grocery shopping and bring it to the clients home to prepare. We will guide clients through the menu and teach them how to cook it. Our aim is to help people with their health eating goals, save time and make life easier. We are flexible and will work with peoples needs. Personal Chef Byron Bay & Gold Coast offers cooking lessons either one on one, or in a small group. We also provide catering such as dinner parties, BBQ's, specialised cakes and canapé service. Gift vouchers are easily arranged for clients, whether it's a special dinner for two, or a cooking lesson.
Byron Bay Personal Chef, Gold Coast Personal Chef
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Dinner Parties.

Dinner Parties.

Personal Chef Byron Bay &Gold Coast Menu

Dinner Party Menu.


  • Scallops with sweet potato puree with seeds and herbs, citrus dressing.
  • Ceviche of Market Fish with avocado mousse, sun dried cherry tomatoes with chilli lime.
  • Lamb Cutlet stuffed with goats cheese wrapped in prosciutto with yoghurt tahini.
  • Marinated Moroccan Prawn salad with pickled veg, cheery tomatoes and herbs.
  • Goats Cheese and caramelised onion tart with rocket and beetroot.


  • Crispy skin Salmon with quinoa soy sesame galettes, asparagus, with a kale cream sauce.
  • Soy Beef Fillet and tofu with garlicky eggplant, spinach and red onion with miso dressing.
  • Chicken Breast stuffed with kale and olives, crushed cauliflower, roasted corn and capsicum cream.
  • Lamb Back strap with crushed peas, chargrilled broccoli, roasted garlic and feta sauce.
  • Filo Vego Cluster – Haloumi, roasted roots, kale pesto, garlic nut crust with lemon yoghurt.


  • The Henry Rollins – Intense Chocolate light white chocolate mousse fresh fruit and brandy snaps.
  • Yoghurt Panna Cotta with berry jelly and pistachio cream and banana chips.
  • French Chocolate tart with saturn fruits, vanilla ice cream and crispy coconut.
  • Assorted vegan chocolate – vegan bounty bar, snickers and bliss ball.

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